
As part of our work, we do like to hand out safe sex packs, because who doesn’t like a bit of safety.

So how do you use these packs, here we have some help from the NHS and others to give you a small guide!

How do I use a condom? 

In the packs as well as condoms, you will find lubricant

When you don’t use enough lube, or use the wrong kind, the likelihood of condom failure is increased, making transmission of HIV and other STIs possible.

You should use:

  • Water-based lubes (e.g. K-Y, Wet Stuff and ID Glide)
  • silicone-based lubes (Eros Bodyglide and Liquid Silk).

You shouldn’t use:

  • Oil-based lubricants like cooking oil, moisturisers, sun lotions, baby oil, butter, Crisco, Elbow Grease, etc
  • It can also cause latex condoms to break
  • However, they can be used with non-latex condoms, like Durex Avanti, Mates Skyn or Pasante Unique
  • Don’t use spit as it dries up quickly and increases the chance of your condom tearing.